About Me

Just trying to figure it out one day at a time

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Tempest

We've had two tornadoes pass over Toronto. The first one arrived on Sunday Aug 9th. At the time I was on
a boat attending a wedding when it approached and assaulted the City. The second occurred Thursday August
20th. The first two images were taken on the 9th and the last image was taken after the storm on the 20th.

The Million $$$ Question

The truck with the BE Logo backed into this streetcar. When hit, the streetcar tipped slightly and almost jumped off the track. It was the oddest experience, thankfully no one was injured. How does one NOT notice a streetcar?

Saturday, August 22, 2009

In Case of Fire

Fire Spinners

Street Parties

A sure sign of summer....

Taste of the Danforth

Check Spelling
Take your photo with a Greek or Roman Soldier

This year marks the 16th anniversary for Taste of the Danforth an event was filled with games,
rides for the kids, music, dancers, singers. Eat, drink and be merry.... OPA!!!


Furry Friends (of the Real Kind)

Meet Chippy, Rocky and Red....

One Armed Bandits

My Foxy Friend

This is the second time I've seen this "Furry". Mr. Fox was donning a white suit with the coolest orange tail the first time I encountered him. Since it's daylight, I guess he's being discreet.
